Cash Rebate




Armenia approves cash rebate program for film production.


The Republic of Armenia continues its support for film production by adopting new legislative regulations that provide for a cash rebate for film production expenses carried out in Armenia. As a result of the new legislative changes, film producers will be able to receive a cash rebate of 10-40% of their expenses if they were incurred for work and services purchased from residents of the Republic of Armenia.

This initiative aims to:

Support local and international film producers by providing competitive financial incentives.

Develop Armenian film industry and promote foreign investments.


Who can benefit from the program


Film producers who invest in the Republic of Armenia for the purpose of film production.

After the application submitted to the national body (Cinema Foundation of Armenia) is approved, filmmakers who meet the criteria set by law may apply for a partial refund of investments.


What expenses are subject to refund


The partial refund of investments applies to services and work directly related to film production, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.


How is the partial refund provided


The filmmaker applies to the national body with an application for a partial refund of investments.

The national body examines the submitted documents and issues an appropriate conclusion.

The final decision is made by the authorized state body (RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport).

In case of approval, the filmmaker is provided with a partial refund of the appropriate amount.


For more information

All interested parties may contact the authorized body of the Government of the Republic of Armenia or follow the official announcements to get acquainted with the details of the program.


Contact information: (please indicate the relevant contacts)

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  • +374 (10) 52-20-32
  • +374 (10) 52-20-38
  • Teryan 3a

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