1. May 2024. Sevanik, a short animation by Harut Tumaghyan was selected for screening at the 15th VAFI & RAFI- International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival.
  2. March 2024. Sevanik, a short animated film by Harutyun Tumaghyan will be screened within the framework of the "Little Friends, Big Adventures" program at the BUFF International Film Festival.
  3. April. 2024. SEVANIK, a short animated film by Harut Tumaghyan has been included in the Children's Program of Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival.
  4. October 2023. The Armenian premiere of the short animation SEVANIK (dir. Harutyun Tumaghyan) took place within the framework of the ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan.
  5. March 2023. Sevanik, a short animated film by Harutyun Tumaghyan was screened at the MONSTRA-Lisbon Film Festival held in Lisbon.


  • +374 (10) 52-20-32
  • +374 (10) 52-20-38
  • info@cfarmenia.am
  • Teryan 3a

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